How much is Kaiser senior advantage?

Seniors can benefit from Medicare Advantage plans, and Kaiser Permanente provides a popular option with its Kaiser Senior Advantage plan. We’ll break down the costs related to Kaiser Senior Advantage in this article to help you decide if it’s the best option.

Let us get right into this.

How much is Kaiser Senior Advantage?

How much is Kaiser Senior Advantage?

Here is how this works:

Serial No.CategoryDetails
1.Premiums– Nearly half (48%) of Kaiser Permanente’s Medicare Advantage plans are $0-premium in 2023.
– Monthly consolidated premiums (including Part C and Part D) range from $17 to $296 for plans with a premium.
– Monthly Dual-Eligible Special Needs Plans (D-SNPs) premiums typically range from $29 to $36.
– Medicare Part B premium of $164.90 per month in 2023 is still the responsibility of the Medicare Advantage user, although some plans may cover part or all of this cost.
2.Copays, Coinsurance, and Deductibles– The specific requirements for copays, coinsurance, and deductibles vary based on the plan, location, and services utilized. Consider factors such as coverage for the monthly Medicare Part B premium, yearly deductibles, drug deductibles, copayments, and/or coinsurance for each visit/service.
– Examples include a $10 copay for primary doctor visits and a $45 copay for specialist visits. Also, consider in-network and out-of-network out-of-pocket maximums, provider network status, and the need for any extra benefits and associated charges.

How much is Kaiser Senior Advantage per month?

The cost of a Medicare Advantage plan varies greatly depending on your area and health needs. The majority of routine procedures are covered without a cost in nearly half of all Kaiser plans, which have no monthly fees. The national average for individuals who do pay a premium is just over $70 per month. However, this will unavoidably change depending on where you live and the specifics of your plan.

How does the Plan Work?

By choosing a primary care physician (PCP) from Kaiser’s network, you can benefit from Kaiser Senior Advantage. Your PCP will oversee your care and, if required, refer you to specialists. Only the services your primary care physician approved for you will pay your costs. It’s necessary to remember that this plan only covers non-Kaiser network services in dire circumstances. As part of the plan, Kaiser also offers behavioral health services. The Centres for Medicare and Medicaid Services assess eligibility, so ensuring your home zip code is inside the Kaiser Senior Advantage coverage area is essential.

Senior Advantage provides emergency and urgent care coverage anywhere in the world if you get injured or sick while traveling.

You cannot enlist if your zip code is outside the service area. It is advised to contact the Retirement Administration Service Centre, Kaiser, or for information on a particular zip code’s eligibility because it can vary.


In summary, the costs associated with Kaiser Senior Advantage include premiums, copays, coinsurance, and deductibles. The specific amounts can vary depending on your plan, location, and the services you use. By understanding the expenses involved, you can decide whether Kaiser Senior Advantage is the right choice for you.

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